FOOD HIVES to Nourishing Cities — Community Seed Banking Training Module

What is Community Seed Banking?

Community seed banks are mainly informal institutions, locally governed and managed, whose core function is to stored and preserve genetic diversity seeds for local use and future generation.

Community Seed banks offer a way to preserve that historical and cultural value – in that sense, seed banks are like seed libraries that contain valuable information about evolution strategies of plants.

A community seed bank is seen as the place to obtain seeds of local crops and varieties, as commercial seed companies, extension input depots, and private dealers are marketing only modern varieties and hybrids of a limited number of crops.

Community seed banks are trying to regain, maintain, and increase control over seeds by farmers and local communities and to strengthen or establish dynamic forms of cooperation among and between farmers and others involved in the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity.

A seed bank is a place where seeds are stored. The purpose of a seed bank is to preserve the genetic diversity of plants so that they can be used in the future to help improve crops or create new varieties of plants. Seed banks are often located in countries with diverse climates and ecosystems so that they can store a wide range of plant species. Seed banks play an important role in preserving the genetic diversity of plants, which is essential for the future of agriculture. Seed banks also help to ensure that new and improved varieties of plants can be created, by storing the seeds of rare or endangered plant species. Seed banks help to preserve the genetic diversity of plants, which is essential for the future of agriculture. Seed banks also help to ensure that new and improved varieties of plants can be created, by storing the seeds of rare or endangered plant species. In addition, seed banks can provide a source of income for farmers and other people who collect and sell seeds. [What Is The Purpose Of Seed Bank?. GrowLightsBuddy. purpose-of-seed-bank/]