Since its founding in 2008, ISEA has built a solid track record in undertaking capacity building for practitioners and supporters of social enterprises, and has a network of Fellows designing and delivering these capacity building programs as faculty, mentors and coaches. Among the courses that it has demonstrated the capability to deliver are:
- Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (4-day introductory course in the context of developing countries)
- Social Entrepreneurship 101 (2-day introductory course)
- Social Enterprise Strategic Management (18-day course delivered over a period of 6 months for managers and leaders of social enterprises in their growth stage)
- Social Entrepreneurship and Local Economy Building (1-day seminar for local government executives and development agencies)
- Transformational Models and Tools for Practitioners in Agricultural Value Chains (2-day course for social enterprise and inclusive business practitioners)
- Social Enterprise (SE) Performance Assessment (4-day course for practitioners)
- SE Financial Management and Social Return on Investment (3-day course for practitioners)
- SE Marketing Management (3-day course for practitioners)
- SE Operations Management (2-day course for practitioners)
- SE Human Resource and Organizational Development (2-day course for practitioners)
- Social Entrepreneurship Faculty Development Seminar-Workshop (4-day course for business and management schools, universities and colleges that are interested to integrate social entrepreneurship content in their respective curricula)
- Social Entrepreneurship as Pathway for Scaling Up Bio-Diversity Friendly Enterprises (BDFE) Initiatives (3-day course for BDFEs to develop their capability to scale up their environmental, social and economic impact)
- Learning Session and Planning on the Benchmarks for Transformational Partnerships and Women’s Economic Empowerment in AVCs (2 day course for social enterprises, resource institutions and other players in the agricultural value chains on Benchmarks for Transformational Partnerships and WEE in AVCs)
- Orientation and Women’s Economic Empowerment Planning Seminar-Workshop for SMEs (2-day course for leaders and managers of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) who are interested to strengthen their policy and practice on smallholder inclusion and women’s economic empowerment in their respective agricultural value chains.
- Measuring Social Enterprise Impact and Benchmarking (2-day course for social enterprises and resource institutions to introduce development indexing (DI) and social return on investment (SROI) as tools for measuring social enterprise impact as well as to introduce the BTP WEE in AVCs Scorecard as a development index that could assist the learning and evaluation processes of social enterprises