WE LIVE FOOD Platform organizes a two-day Learning Exchange among BTP WEE in AVCs Practitioners and Enablers

The Women’s Empowerment, Livelihoods and Food in Agricultural Value Chains (WE LIVE FOOD) Platform organized a learning exchange among practitioners and enablers on the Benchmarks for Transformational Partnerships and Women’s Economic Empowerment in Agricultural Value Chains (BTP WEE in AVCs) based on the reflections from the piloting experiences of Social Enterprises (SEs) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam last May 11 and 12, 2022.

The first day of the two-day learning event was a public event featuring six SEs and SMEs sharing their actual experience in using the BTP-WEE in AVCs tools and culling lessons from these experiences that could define possible enhancements of the tools. With more than 60 participants, the virtual event featured the sharing of piloting experience, lessons, and insights of Good Food Community (Philippines), Toko Trubus (Indonesia), Karya Masyarakat Mandiri (Indonesia), Bina Swadaya (Indonesia), Vien Minh Company (Vietnam) and Trapacho Sapa (Vietnam).On the other hand, the second day was organized as an internal workshop among the WEE TRAIN in AVCs (Women’s Economic Empowerment Transformational Initiatives in Agricultural Value Chains) partners and consultants. Through a virtual World Café approach, the participants were divided into three breakout groups to discuss their reflection and suggested enhancements on 1) the Scorecard for Social Enterprises and SMEs, 2) the BTP WEE in AVC Module, and 3) the Action Research Framework and Tools. At the end of the workshop, each breakout group presented the highlights of their discussion.

The two-day learning exchange was organized by the WE LIVE FOOD Platform led by its convening organizations, the Institute of Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA), Bina Swadaya Foundation, Dompet Dhuafa Philantrophy, Centre for Social Initiatives Promotion (CSIP) and Oxfam.

The WE LIVE FOOD platform was supported by Oxfam and the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok under the regional program Gender Transformative and Responsive Agricultural Investments in Southeast Asia or GRAISEA.

Watch the May 11 event in the video below: