TI4SD Platform conducts a 2-day learning session on exploring Value Added Services of Community Networks

Last August 16 and 17, the Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development (TI4SD Platform), a multi-stakeholder platform around social entrepreneurship and sustainable development goals led by the Association of Progressive Communications (APC) and the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA) held a two-day learning session entitled, Journey towards Meaningful Connectivity: Exploring Value Added Services of Community Networks”.

Our diverse resource speakers were Dr. Carlos Rey-Moreno (APC), Gustaff Harriman Iskandar (Common Room – Indonesia), Agni Yoga Airlangga and Andriani Kesa Alivia (School of Community Networks), Anasias Acak (Indigenous Community Member), Dr. Albert Teo (ISEA/Tung Wah College – Hongkong), Dr Sarbani Belur and Dr Marie Lisa Dacanay (ISEA), Nisarat Tansakul (Net2Home – Thailand), Dr. Rajashree Joshi (BAIF Development Research Foundation – India), and Nicolas Pace (APC).

The two-day learning session delved into the experiences and transformative potential of value-added services in community networks. Community networks are grassroots initiatives that bring internet connectivity to underserved areas, fostering digital inclusion and empowering local communities. It will also highlight the value-added services that community networks offer beyond mere internet access, unlocking new opportunities and enhancing the lives of individuals and communities. Through real-life case studies and expert insights, we will explore the diverse range of services that community networks have successfully implemented, driving economic, educational, social, and cultural development.

More than 50 per day attended the sessions which aimed to uncover the essence of Value-Added Services, understand the concept of value-added services in the context of community networks and explore how these services go beyond connectivity to address specific community needs. This activity was supported by a grant from the Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) in partnership with APNIC Foundation.

Download the PRESENTATIONS thru this link: https://www.isea-group.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Presentations-Journey-Towards-Meaningful-Connectivity.pdf

If you missed the 2-day learning session, you may watch them in ISEA YouTube or access the videos below: