Conveners of RR, Youth and SE Platform launches the platform, organizes a forum on rural revitalization, social entrepreneurship and youth

The co-conveners of the Rural Revitalization (RR), Youth and Social Entrepreneurship (SE) Platform: the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA), the Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM)Sources for Action (SFA) and Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) organized an online conversation on “Reimagining Rural Development in the 21st Century: Perspectives on Rural Revitalization, Social Entrepreneurship (SE) and Youth” last July 19, 2022 via Zoom. The other members of the RR, Youth and SE Platform include Change Fusion Institute (Thailand), International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), and DHAN Foundation (India).

ISEA President, Dr Marie Lisa Dacanay opened and welcomed the participants and guests as she served as the event’s moderator. PRRM President, Mr Edicio dela Torre shared perspectives on the UNDESA World Social Report on reconsidering Rural Development and its implications for the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Prof. Wen Tiejun, the Executive Dean of Institute of Rural Reconstruction of China, Southwestern University of China shared lessons and insights from RR in China for the platform. On the other hand, Ms. Marta Perez CusoEconomic Affairs Officer of the Trade, Investments and Innovation Division of the United Nations Economic Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) presented perspectives on promoting Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Business in Agriculture and Food Systems; while RRN Chief Executive Officer, Dr Arjun Karki discussed the role of youth in Social Entrepreneurship for Rural Revitalization coming from perspective from Nepal and South Asia. The panel discussion was followed by an open forum to entertain questions and comments from the participants.

The event also served as the launch of the RR, Youth and SE Platform, timed during the week-long commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the PRRM, one of the co-conveners of the Platform. Ms Zhang Lanying, the Executive Director of SFA in China led the launch by presenting its concept note then followed by a ceremonial launch of the platform through an audio-visual presentation (AVP) featuring the conveners and partners of the platform. Messages of support were expressed by some youth social entrepreneurs and UNESCAP’s Ms Marta Perez Cuso.

More than 60 participants attended the event coming from practitioners, policy makers, scholars and students of sustainable rural development and social entrepreneurship, youth organizations, social enterprises, civil society organizations, academic institutions, government agencies, multilateral agencies, the private sector and other stakeholders.

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