Date released: February 28, 2023
February 28, 2023
Dear ISEA Partners,
The Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission-Asia Pacific (UNESCAP) and Catalyst 2030 are pleased to invite you to the 4th Social Enterprise Advocacy and Leveraging (SEAL) Conference in Bangkok, Thailand on March 22-24, 2023, with the theme, “Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Partnerships: Towards Inclusive Recovery and Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals”. It will be organized in blended format where face-to-face participants shall join at UN Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand and online participants shall join via Zoom.
The 4th SEAL Asia Conference is enrolled as a pre-event to the 10th Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development. It will be a space to discuss and engage stakeholders around innovations and partnerships in pursuit of social entrepreneurship as a pathway towards inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, building back fairer, and accelerating the SDGs. It will also feature Catalyzing the Recovery of Social and Community Enterprises for Transformation (CRESCENT), a sector initiative that was conceived to address major challenges brought about by the pandemic and help develop new and existing social enterprises recover, reposition, pivot and innovate. The conference also provides a venue for dialogue between the SE sector, civil society, government and the corporate sector, the UN system and other multilateral agencies on opportunities for collaboration.
The 4th SEAL Asia Conference is organized in cooperation with the Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism- Social and Community Enterprise Constituency, Association of Progressive Communications, Social Enterprise Thailand, Oxfam and Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok.
The proposed arrival of onsite participants is on March 21, 2023. The SEAL Conference proper is on March 22-23, 2023. This shall be followed by an exciting social enterprise visit in Bangkok, Thailand on March 24 (morning only) and an ISEA Regional Assembly starting at 2:30PM – 5:00 PM Bangkok time. I am attaching the concept note with the indicative programme for your perusal.
To help us arrange your participation more efficiently, please confirm by clicking the tab or access this link: https://tinyurl.com/SEALConf2023-Confirmation. CONFIRM YOUR SLOT NOW!
We would appreciate receiving your confirmation on or before Friday, 03 March 2023. For confirmation and queries, please feel free to write to the Conference Secretariat through Jonathan Ronquillo at jdronquillo2013@gmail.com and Catherine Tiongson at ctiongson@isea-group.net.